Jul 12, 2004

Must I paint you a picture?

Lo conosciamo. E' il nostro amico, che abita qualche muro di mattoni rossi più in là. Andiamo con lui al pub e parliamo di sole, mare e socialismo. Ha una bella faccia da billybragg. Al Palasport. Il giorno dopo un concerto di Bob Dylan, sullo stesso palco. E infatti solo con la sua chitarra disse, come dice lui, "wow, soim stoig [cioè: same stage] of bob dyln!" e cantò anche "the toims they or a-cioingin", da far venire la pelle d'oca.

Jul 9, 2004

Posso vedere per chilometri

(Opere di san Pietro Townshend)
...ma io oggi mi sono ricordato di quanto mi è piaciuta e mi piace I can see for miles. Anfetaminica, circolare (o ellittica?). Non smetteresti di ascoltarla e non riesci a stare fermo.

Jul 8, 2004

Opere dei santi Giovanni Lennon e Paolo McCartney

I am he
As you are he
As you are me
And we are all together.
See how they run
Like pigs from a gun
See how they fly. I’m crying.
Sitting on a cornflake - waiting for the van to come.
Corporation teeshirt, stupid bloody
Tuesday man you been a naughty boy
You let your face grow long.
I am the eggman oh, they are the eggman -
Oh I am the walrus GOO GOO G’JOOB.
Mr. City policeman sitting pretty little policeman in a row,
See how they fly
Like Lucy in the sky
See how they run. I’m crying - I’m crying I’m crying.
Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog’s eye.
Crabalocker fishwife pornographic
Priestess boy you been a naughty girl,
You let your knickers down.
I am the eggman oh, they are the eggmen -
Oh I am the walrus. GOO GOO G’JOOB.
Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun,
If the sun don’t come, you get a tan from
Standing in the English rain.
I am the eggman, oh, they are the eggmen -
Oh I am the walrus. G’JOOB, G’GOO, G’JOOB.
Expert texpert choking smokers
Don’t you think the joker laughs at you? Ha ha ha!
See how they smile,
Like pigs in a sty,
See how they snied. I’m crying.
Semoline pilchards climbing up the Eiffel Tower.
Elementary penguin singing Hare Khrishna
Man you should have seen the kick in Edgar Allen Poe.
I am the eggman oh, they are they eggmen -
Oh I am the walrus GOO GOO GOO JOOB

Jul 7, 2004

Vabbè (ri)cominciamo

Scriverò qualcosa qui.